Connect to Yandex disk
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User avatarNPDedyukhin
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Connect to Yandex disk
Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:07 am
Good afternoon!
Recently, I needed to connect a Yandex drive to my project in order to increase the space for files.
When Raspberry starts, as intended, the Yandex drive should automatically mount.
I am using a Raspbian Stretch.
The problem is that after completing all the steps described in the manual for connecting the drive, the device stops starting (nothing happens).
I follow these steps:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/apt/lists
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo rpi-update
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo reboot
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a && lsb_release -a && arch
I install Davfs2 package on the Raspbian system:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install davfs2 -y
Add the current user to the group:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo usermod -a -G davfs2 pi
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mkdir /media/yandexdisk
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo chmod 4755 /sbin/mount.davfs
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo chown -R pi:pi /media/yandexdisk/
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
I enter the username and password from Yandex Disk:
/media/yandexdisk raspberrytest 010892ded
I register a line for automatically mounting a Yandex drive when Raspberry boots:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /etc/fstab
(most likely there is an error) /media/yandexdisk davfs gid=pi,uid=pi,auto 0 0
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mount -a
I check how the Raspbian system sees the mounted Yandex drive:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ df -h | grep /media
Sees well: 10G 79M 10G 1% /media/yandexdisk
After rebooting, the device stops loading.
I ask you to help me with this if you know what the problem is.
Nikita Dedyukhin
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:44 am
Very likely it is trying to mount the drive early in the boot process before everything required is up and available. This is also a common issue with with real rust hard drives. If it always is mountable via the command line and will not mount automatically at boot up, your options likely boil down to delay the mount attempt, or mount it after the system is fully up. You obviously know how to to that manually. You could automate it via a startup script that runs late in the boot process, or cron .
User avatarB.Goode
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:47 am
Welcome to the Raspberry Pi forums.
Yandex seems to be a Russian Internet Services provider? So is a 'yandex drive' a form of cloud data storage?
Perhaps it would be useful to link to the instructions or tutorial you are following?
You are using an outdated and superceded version of the Raspbian Operating System.
I would be distrustful of any instructions that arbitrarily instruct to run rpi-update.
Maybe your problem at reboot is as simple as trying to mount the networked drive before the Network stack has become available? There is a configuration option in the raspi-config utility that might help with that.
Beware of the Leopard
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:05 pm
I assume given the age of the distro, that was part of a generic "get your Pi up to date" instruction set. However, "rpi-update" will update your Pi to the latest firmware. Said firmware may not be entirely stable. While I would not automatically rule out an instruction set that suggested that command I would skip over the rpi-update.
One of the big issues is that folks blindly follow instructions, without validating the source, or considering what said instructions are actually going to do. If the instructions come from an RPT engineer you are likely good to go. If they come from some random unvalidated site on the internet, perhaps caution should be exercised. The one saving grace is that it is actually fairly difficult to kill the hardware, so worse case you are losing all your data and previous OS configuration, which is why backups are such a good idea.
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:08 pm
I also use Yandex.Disk and I must say that I am observing some problems related to the peculiarity of Yandex. In particular, these are periodic “freezes” of the mounted partition.
The second feature of working with Yandex.Disk is that upon rebooting, the system will try to “unmount” the remote service, which will take a lot of time. Therefore, I did not do automatic mounting at boot, but I downloaded either from rc.local (in the last Debian there are some features!), Or a script.
Also, before turning off the Yandex.disk system, the disk must be unmounted (you can write a script).
The mount script is very simple, I took it from a famous forum and rewrote it a bit.
Yes, you need to install expect - so that at startup, the password for the Yandex request is automatically entered.
Here is the script.
spawn mount.davfs /home/pi/yandex/
expect "Username:"
send "***********\r"
expect "Password:"
send "***********\r"
expect eof
Instead of ***********, enter the address (in the first line) and password (in the second)
[Moderator translated this from russian using google translate, please dont use russian in english section]
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:26 pm
If you want to connect Yandex.disk during the system boot (via fstab) you need to add the '_netdev' parameter to the fstab line, so that it waited for the network interface before trying to connect to network drive. But this way is not troublefree, as, in case Yandex.disk is for some reason is not accessible during the boot, the system will halt and will not boot even with everything correct in fstab. I would recommend using either the above script, or autofs, or rclone, which will connect the webdav resource when you need it.
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Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:10 am
Found a solution?
I have the same problem:
In my opinion, everything is in:
!!!!! sudo nano / etc / fstab:
I just did this:
sudo apt-get install davfs2
sudo mkdir /mnt/ya.disk
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ya.disk
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/ya.disk -o uid = pi, gid = pi, rw, file_mode = 0777, dir_mode = 0777
After entering the command, you will be asked to enter the username and password for the Yandex.Disk account.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 !!! Answer Yes to the question.
sudo usermod -aG davfs2 pi
sudo nano / etc / davfs2 / secrets
At the end of the file, add: login password
• login - your Yandex.Disk account login;
• password - your password from the Yandex.Disk account;
Ctrl + O Ctrl + X
sudo nano / etc / fstab
at the end of the file: /mnt/ya.disk davfs rw, noexec, auto, user, async, _netdev, uid = pi, gid = pi 0 0
sudo reboot
After that, it stopped hanging at boot. Unsubscribe, pliz, if this option helps you.
[moderator translation from this Russian original, please only post English texts here, or I have to move this thread to the Russian section!]
????? ????????
? ???? ????? ?? ????????

??-????? ??? ?:
!!!!! sudo nano /etc/fstab

? ?????? ??? ??????:
sudo apt-get install davfs2
sudo mkdir /mnt/ya.disk
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ya.disk
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/ya.disk -o uid=pi,gid=pi,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
????? ????? ???????, ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????.?????.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 !!!?? ?????? ???????? Yes.
sudo usermod -aG davfs2 pi
sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
? ????? ????? ???????: login password
• login - ??? ????? ???????? ??????.????;
• password - ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????.????;
Ctrl + O Ctrl + X
sudo nano /etc/fstab
? ????? ?????: /mnt/ya.disk davfs rw,noexec,auto,user,async,_netdev,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0
sudo reboot
!!! ? ??? ???? ??????: ??????? ??????? "????/?????????/Raspberry Pi Configuration - System - Network at Boot: "V" Wait for nework
????? ????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????. ????????, ????, ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???????.
User avatarNPDedyukhin
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:23 am
Location: RU
Re: Connect to Yandex disk
Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:24 pm
GD0017 wrote: ?
Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:10 am
Found a solution?
I have the same problem:
In my opinion, everything is in:
!!!!! sudo nano / etc / fstab:
I just did this:
sudo apt-get install davfs2
sudo mkdir /mnt/ya.disk
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ya.disk
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/ya.disk -o uid = pi, gid = pi, rw, file_mode = 0777, dir_mode = 0777
After entering the command, you will be asked to enter the username and password for the Yandex.Disk account.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 !!! Answer Yes to the question.
sudo usermod -aG davfs2 pi
sudo nano / etc / davfs2 / secrets
At the end of the file, add: login password
• login - your Yandex.Disk account login;
• password - your password from the Yandex.Disk account;
Ctrl + O Ctrl + X
sudo nano / etc / fstab
at the end of the file: /mnt/ya.disk davfs rw, noexec, auto, user, async, _netdev, uid = pi, gid = pi 0 0
sudo reboot
After that, it stopped hanging at boot. Unsubscribe, pliz, if this option helps you.
[moderator translation from this Russian original, please only post English texts here, or I have to move this thread to the Russian section!]
????? ????????
? ???? ????? ?? ????????

??-????? ??? ?:
!!!!! sudo nano /etc/fstab

? ?????? ??? ??????:
sudo apt-get install davfs2
sudo mkdir /mnt/ya.disk
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/ya.disk
sudo mount -t davfs /mnt/ya.disk -o uid=pi,gid=pi,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
????? ????? ???????, ??? ???????? ?????? ????? ? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????.?????.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 !!!?? ?????? ???????? Yes.
sudo usermod -aG davfs2 pi
sudo nano /etc/davfs2/secrets
? ????? ????? ???????: login password
• login - ??? ????? ???????? ??????.????;
• password - ??? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????.????;
Ctrl + O Ctrl + X
sudo nano /etc/fstab
? ????? ?????: /mnt/ya.disk davfs rw,noexec,auto,user,async,_netdev,uid=pi,gid=pi 0 0
sudo reboot
!!! ? ??? ???? ??????: ??????? ??????? "????/?????????/Raspberry Pi Configuration - System - Network at Boot: "V" Wait for nework
????? ????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????. ????????, ????, ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???????.
Good day.
Yes, that helped.
Thanks! ;)
Nikita Dedyukhin
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